In order to educate and inform about religious heritage in Europe, we maintain a database of research, policy reports, and other relevant documents that is available to the public.
The following documents include articles, reports, and statistics. The vast majority of this research has been conducted by FRH Members as well as FRH itself in cooperation with its members and other organisations. If you would like to submit your own research, please contact us at
Ritual Void or Ritual Muddle? Deconsecration Rites of Roman Catholic Church Buildings, de Wildt K.
Jewish Architecture and Urbanism in the Years 1495–1815. The Jewish City in Casimir, Cracow, Malec T. E.
Beweb e georeferenzizione dei confine delle diocese italiane, Bartolomei L., Fuligni F
One Ideology, Two Visions. Churches and the Socialist City, East Berlin and Warsaw – 1945-1975, Van der Meulen M.
Church Buildings as a Driver in the Real Estate Development of Cities, Netsch S.
Re-Grouping, Re-Using. The Present and Future of Religious Spaces in Europe, de Wildt K.
Histories of Ecclesial Architecture and Heritagization Processes: Values, Resilience, Adaptivity, Reuse (in Italian), Longhi A.
Conservation Dilemmas – The Fate of the Timber Orthodox Church in Miękisz Stary, Kurek J.
The Legal Foundations of Religious Cultural Heritage Protection, Tsivolas T.
Sharing Heritage–Sharing with Whom? Hiiop H. & Randla A.
On Conservation and Reactivation of Religious Built Heritage in Rural Areas, Van der Meulen M.
Wooden Architecture in Studies by Tadeusz Obmiński, Kurek J.
Churching Alone: a Study of the Danish Folk Church at Organizational, Individual and Societal Levels, Leth-Nissen K. M.
Tourism and Religion: Sacred Spaces as Transmitters of Heritage Values, Aulet S. & Vidal D.
Ecclesial Reuse of Decommissioned Churches: Historical and Critical Issues in the Recent Document
by the Pontifical Council for Culture (in Spanish), Longhi A.
The Via Francigena Salentina As An Opportunity For Experiential Tourism And A Territorial Enhancement Tool, Trono A., Ruppi F., Mitrotti F. & Cortese S.
Interior conversions: Redesigning the Village Church for Adaptive Reuse, Van der Meulen M.
Sacredness as an Underlying Value of Cultural Heritage Law in Europe, Tsivolas T.
Tourism in Religious Sites as Type of Ethnography Tourism, Aulet Serrallonga S., Vidal-Casellas D. & Crous N.
Monasteries and Tourism: Interpreting Sacred Landscape Through Gastronomy, Aulet S., Mundet L. & Vidal D.
Norwegian Stave Churches – In Dietrichson and Håkon Christie Research, Kurek J.
Cultural Tourism and Historical Routes. The Way of St Peter from Jerusalem to Rome, Trono A. & Oliva L.
Klein Wetsinge : the Redesign of a Village Church in Rural Groningen, Van der Meulen M.
Interior convertions: Redesigning the Village Church for Adaptive Reuse, Van der Meulen M.
Monasteries, Gastronomy and Landscape, Aulet Serrallonga S., Mundet i Cerdan L. & Vidal Casellas D.
Religious Buildings in Transition – An International Comparison, Lindblad H. & Löfgren E.
Églises et usages alternatifs : un patrimoine d’avenir, Coomans T.
Capacity Building for Religious Heritage Conservation and Management. Vocational Learning Tools and Methods of the Alterheritage Project, Bahamonde P., Coomans T., Drda-Kühn K., Grootswagers L., Truman C., & Wetterberg O.
Factors Influencing Operational Energy Performance and Refurbishment of UK Listed Church Buildings: Towards a Strategic Management Framework, Akande O. K.
Christmas disco under gaze of angels as listed churches are put to new use, The Guardian (UK)
The Struggle for Sustaining Religious Heritage in a Time of Change, Gerhards A., Plum R., & de Wildt K.
Églises désaffectées, patrimonialisation et usages alternatifs, Coomans T.
Panorama des lieux de prière et des bâtiments de culte non catholique à Bruxelles, Labberton R.
Wooden Synagogues – The Present Reactivation, Kurek J.
Monastic Architecture and the City, Marado C. A.
Abandoned and Re-Used Churches in Germany, Netsch S., Gothe K.
Religion and Museums: Immaterial and Material Heritage, Minucciani V.
Structuration and Branding of a Religious Tourism Product: Catalonia Sacra, Casellas D. V., Serrallonga S. A. & Costa N. C.
Between Reconstruction and Modernisation. Public Debates on Historic City Centres in the 20th and 21st Centuries, Orro O., & Randla A.
The Pilgrimage To The San Nicola Shrine In Bari And Its Impact, Rizzello K. & Trono A.
Medieval Painted Decoration in St Michael’s Church in Mihkli, Estonia, Randla A.
Percorsi Religiosi Tra Turismo Culturale e Strategie di Pianificazione Sostenibile: Ricerca e Innovazione, Trono A. & Oliva L.
Religious Itineraries as the Driving Forces Behind Sustainable Local Development in the Veneto? Towards a Proposal for Promoting an Unusual and Often “Subliminal” Form of Heritage: Sanctuaries and Minor Churches, Rizzo L. S., Rizzo R. G. & Trono,A.
Revue des Arts Sacres – Conserver et renouveler. Considérations sur le patrimoine religieux en Allemagne, Koch J. J.
Quelle protection pour les églises à bruxelles ? Vers une approche patrimoniale intégrée, Coomans T.
Sacred Space and Corporate Identity: the Black Heads’ Chapels in the Mendicant Churches of Tallinn and Riga, Mänd A. & Randla A.
Helige Hus, Slaaen C.
Prest – Spreng de Tomme Kirkene, Holbek J. A.
Research and Restoration of the Medieval Murals in Estonian Churches, Hiiop H. & Randla A.
From Romanticism to New Age, Coomans T.
Heritage policy documents
The following documents are policy documents from both European and International Organisations concerning the protection of cultural heritage. If you would like to submit a policy document not listed below, please contact us at
2015 Report – towards an integrated approach to cultural heritage for Europe
2010 UNESCO Initiative on Heritage of Religious Interest
2002 ICOMOS International Cultural Tourism Charter
Council of Europe report from the Commission for Culture and Education on Redundant church buildings (incomplete), in French and in English along with the 1989 Draft resolution – Projet de résolution
The following are reports concerning religious heritage from different countries of Europe. These reports have been submitted by FRH members as well as non-members. If you would like to submit a report to us, please contact us at
2009 La chapelle de l’île Barbe reçoit
2014 Digitaler Sakralbauatlas – Tagungsbericht
2009 Closure of Catholic and Protestant churches in Germany, Gerd WeiB
The Netherlands
2009 Reuse of religious heritage in the Netherlands, Ben de Vries
En norsk, men også internasjonal kirke, Oddbjorn Sormoen
2012 Changing cities – changing churches, Henrik Lindblad
2008 Old Churches – New Values, Henrik Lindblad
United Kingdom
2020 The House of Good – The Economic and Social Value of Church Buildings to the UK, National Churches Trust
2008 Ecclesiastical Heritage of Scotland, Haynes
2008 Church-State relationships in Europe, Haynes
2012 Europe pre-FRH, Creation of an International Network for the preservation and use of endangered religious buildings, Angus Fowler
2010 Cultural heritage, a resource for Europe, Conference report
2014 Secular Europe Backs Religious Heritage, FRH

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