
What made the biggest impression on you?

“I felt European”

“The thinking of other professions about the

different value of cultural heritage.”

“Scale of the event – expected about 30 not 130 delegates.”

“I was amazed by the extent to which the problem of church closures effects

Western European countries. The seminar provided a valuable

insight into the tools used to deal with them.”

“The many representatives from the various countries: impressive!”

“My lasting impression will be the scandal of the closure of

the neo-gothic church, the first site visit.“

“Keen interest shown by YOUNG people

(expected everyone to be white-haired, as I am!).”

96% of the delegates would recommend an FRH event to others.

The vast majority (90%) of delegates were there in a professional capacity.

They represented charities (18%), government (10%), businesses (8%), religious bodies (16%), museums (16%) and other institutions (24%).