Country contacts
Do you want information about FRH in your language? Are you a member and want to propose an idea or organise an event? Our contact persons act as a link between FRH Office and members and interested organisations in different countries.
Get in touch with the appropriate FRH national/regional contact person:
Contact: Marcus van der Meulen
Architect, Author and Researcher at RWTH Aachen University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture.
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Contact: Sarah de Lencquesaing
Council Member of FRH.
Contact: Stefan Beier
Chair of the Board of KLOSTERLAND, an association of monasteries in Germany and Poland. Director of Museum im Zisterzienserkloster Lehnin (Museum in the former Cistercian Monastery of Lehnin).
Contact: Rolando Volzone
Postdoctoral Researcher and Assistant Professor at the School of Technology and Architecture, ISCTE – Instituto Universitário de Lisboa.
Contact: Henrik Lindblad
Art Historian and Cultural Heritage Consultant. Council Member of FRH.
Contact: Chiara Curti
Director of the Eugenia Balcells Foundation Delegation in Barcelona.
Contact: Pilar Bahamonde
President of FRH and director of the Centre of Studies of Liébana, an institution belonging to the Regional Education, Culture and Sport Society of the Government of Cantabria.
Contact: Lilian Grootswagers
Owner of, and member of the EAC Cultural Heritage Expert Group of the European Commission.
Contact: Jennie Hawks
Founder of the Building Crafts and Conservation Foundation (BCCF)
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