“Continuity in Evolving Cultural Expressions” – Michaelstein Abbey, Blankenburg, Germany

“Continuity in Evolving Cultural Expressions” – Michaelstein Abbey, Blankenburg, Germany

“Continuity in Evolving Cultural Expressions” is the third of four hybrid events of our FRH Biennial Conference “Europe’s Living Religious Heritage”. It took place in Michaelstein Abbey, Blankenburg, Germany on Friday, 22 October 2021.

It featured a panel discussion of experts in the field of religious heritage including Sabine Verheyen, Chair of the European Parliament Committee on Culture and Education, Member of the European Parliament. It also included the presentation of the output of our Pre-conference Working Group C, as well as a mix of live and recorded video presentations from distinguished guests and FRH members.

0:00:10 FRH Introduction Video

0:02:17 Welcome by host Hilde Weeg

0:03:25 Welcome by FRH President Pilar Bahamonde

0:10:11 Introduction video to Michaelstein Abbey

0:10:50 Introduction of the panellists

0:11:12 Welcome by host Dr. Christian Philipsen

0:14:21 Welcome by co-host Prof. Dr. Harald Schwillus

0:24:19 Presentation of the output of Preconference Working group C with Coordinator Jan Jaspers

0:31:20 Panel discussion 1 on the interpretation of art and culture in religious heritage

0:43:01 Abstract presentation “Monastery Gardens and Spiritual Tourism” by Harald Schwillus

0:52:56 Discussion with Sabine Verheyen on how matters of cultural heritage are being discussed in the European Parliament

1:09:15 Poster presentation of “Representation of Memory and the (De)Construction of the Sense of Place in Religious Heritage” by Frederico Denis

1:12:07 Poster presentation of “Creating a Sacred Identity for rebuilding the Guilin Xi Qingling Temple” by Huang Zhang

1:35:02 Abstract presentation of “Safeguarding Intangible Heritage to Ensure a Future for Religious Heritage in a Secularised Society” by Julie Aerts

1:43:00 Concluding discussion by panellists

1:54:09 Music video by Michaelstein Abbey


  • Julie Aerts – PARCUM
  • Stefan Beier – Klosterland e.V.
  • Jan Jaspers – Coordinator of Preconference Working Group C and Co-Chair of FRH Conference Committee
  • Hannes Langbein – Stiftung St. Matthäus
  • Christian Philipsen – Kulturstiftung Sachsen-Anhalt
  • Harald Schwillus – Martin Luther University of Halle-Wittenberg
  • Sabine Verheyen – Member of the European Parliament
  • Hilde Weeg – Independent Journalist