The Association of Administrators of Monumental Church Buildings in the Netherlands (VBMK), founded in 1981, is the national association for owners and managers of monumental church buildings. They are committed to the sound management and use of monumental church buildings in the Netherlands. They also try to make society as familiar as possible with the multifunctional uses of these buildings. The association defends the collective and individual interests of its members and represents its members as discussion partners in government and politics. They also play a role as a source of information and as a promoter of professionalism in the exploitation of monumental church buildings. The VBMK has more than 140 members. Both religious societies of different directions and foundations without a religious background belong to this. Together they manage hundreds of churches throughout the Netherlands. The VBMK is a non-religious association and has more than 600 large and small churches, city and rural churches, monuments and iconic church buildings among its members.
The VBMK regularly organizes meetings on current issues related to church management to exchange knowledge and to bring those involved in contact with each other. The meetings are held throughout the Netherlands, in constantly changing regions. They are open to all interested parties and are free of charge. Prior to the Regional Meetings, the VBMK always conducts a Round Table discussion exclusively with the VBMK members from the relevant region to be closely involved with developments in the church country and to discuss how the VBMK can best connect to this.
The VBMK provides an integral Security plan for religious buildings. The drafting of an Integral Security Plan (IPV) is a good tool to ensure good security for people and religious heritage and to minimize risks. It structures and documents the topics that have to do with safety management. In the IPV, the church board speaks about whether or not to accept risks, the organizational responsibilities and what measures and provisions are being taken. Furthermore, structures, guidelines and instructions are included in this plan that is aimed at preventing and combating incidents and limiting consequential damage.
The VBMK believes that owners of religious buildings have a responsibility to ensure that buildings and artefacts are something of irreplaceable and indispensable value for Dutch cultural heritage. They have therefore published guidelines about how to properly manage religious buildings. This includes topics such as financing, registration, renovation, etc. Their hope is that owners of religious buildings can use this in order to properly manage sites that are valuable to Dutch cultural heritage.
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