The Historic Religious Buildings Alliance is organizing a training day with the financial support from PurcellUK. This event will take place on 25th June 2015 in Sheffield, United Kingdom.

The day deals with the management of all stages of a building project in a place of worship, from start up through to making sure benefits are achieved over the long term.
The day will help experts manage all stages of a building project in a place of worship, from start up through to making sure you achieve the benefits over the long term. It is aimed at those concerned with places of worship of all sizes, types and location, and will be relevant both to new build, alterations and repairs.
Although focusing on projects of a significant size, many of the principles apply in simplified form to smaller projects, and the day should be useful whatever the size of project being considered. It will be useful both to those who are directly responsible for a single project in a single building, and those who have an oversight role for a number of religious buildings.
Managing major building projects (PDF)
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