SWEDEN – Advanced studies in religious heritage conservation: “3500 churches – Problem or opportunity?”

SWEDEN – Advanced studies in religious heritage conservation: “3500 churches – Problem or opportunity?”

Swedish churches are currently under­going some of the most comprehensive changes in their thousand­year old history. This is one of the most pressing issues facing heritage specialists in Sweden. There are some 3,500 structures under the auspices of the Church of Sweden employing a multi­tude of different materials and technologies and presenting a range of conservation issues. The buildings date from the medieval period to the postwar era. The 1950s and 1960s churches are worthy of preservation and many are in need of their first major conser­vation intervention. These buildings were designed by such well known architects as Peter Celsing, Rolf Bergh, Carl Nyrén and Sigurd Lewerentz.

In this course we will examine and explore the latest research and methods for managing the changes required to save Swedish churches. Course activities include field trips with professionals, exploration of case studies, and in­depth seminars. We will on the challenges and opportunities in conserving Swedish church architecture.


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