SKIVRE project launch in Bronnbach, Germany

SKIVRE project launch in Bronnbach, Germany

SKIVRE is a European project funded by the ERASMUS+ programme. Following the vision of the European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018, the SKIVRE project contributes to the “Sharing Heritage” theme by developing a training scheme for manufacturing and marketing of high-quality handcrafted products of European monasteries.

Monastic heritage – in the past and today
Monastic heritage is an important part of European cultural heritage, shared by all European member states. Monasteries were always economic hotspots for the development and exchange of goods and services. Today, there are different business models for monasteries: some are still organised and led by their Orders with a focus on ecclesiastical duties. The majority are now either secular or (co)financed by public authorities on a regional level. The majority are located in rural areas. In fact, these monasteries are companies: They employ administrative, technical and management staff, pay taxes and social costs. In monasteries operated by public or private operators there is a regular staff for maintaining the buildings, opening them for visitors and producing products for selling on the premises. They link cultural and religious heritage to the economy.


Monastic products for heritage preservation
SKIVRE links European history with the future: The fabrication of monastic products is an enormous economic chance for many monasteries to gain income for their preservation efforts as well as for creating employment for local people, specifically in rural areas. They contribute to both the tourism industry and the local economy. The production of monastic products (e.g. handcrafted personal care products (soaps, lotions), textiles, food (bread, marmalade, liquors, beer, wine, religious products) is therefore a means for generating income and makes a contribution to preserving heritage. Without producing and selling these products, monasteries often could not survive. The historic knowledge of manufacturing these products is part of the intangible cultural EU heritage.


· improves the level of skills for the development and marketing of monastic products, with particular regard to their relevance for the labour market in rural areas
· generates employment opportunities
· gains experience in European cooperation in product development, design and sales
· exchanges knowledge in establishing monastic products in distribution strategies
· strengthens capacities to produce high quality, innovative and marketable products
· creates innovative forms of practical training schemes in a particular sensitive business
· creates a business environment which accepts the dignity of sacred locations
· unlocks economic potential for authentic products of monasteries in a socially accepted way
· raises awareness of historic arts and crafts for generating new businesses
· uses up-to-date digital instruments in the training and marketing of monastic products.


Target groups, activities and outcome
SKIVRE focuses on a most interactive training approach, which targets secular staff, monks and nuns at monasteries in a committed and responsible way. All activities are geared towards gaining relevant skills for raising revenues for the preservation of religious heritage sites.


These are the expected outcomes:
– A multilingual training scheme for increase of professionalism of monastic products in production and marketing,
– A user-friendly digital learning platform,
– A merchandising handbook for monastic products including guidelines for professional production and marketing in shops or at special retailers
– Publications on the historic crafts of monasteries and their potential for social entrepreneurship for citizens in rural areas.


SKIVRE closes a training gap for European monasteries working hard in the preservation of their sites. The training opens new markets and improves access to existing markets. Staff at monasteries will upscale knowledge and get trained for the employment market. European citizens obtain better access to high-quality monastic products with a background linked to their own heritage.


Multidisciplinary expertise for SKIVRE
The partnership comprises a multidisciplinary European team, which represents the target groups and expertise needed for training development:


1. media k GmbH / Germany (coordinator)
2. Future for Religious Heritage / Belgium
3. GUNET / Greece,
4. INI-Novation / Bulgaria
5. Bronnbach Monastery / Germany
6. Wissenschaftsinitiative Niederösterreich
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