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Religion has its own perspective on the world and reality, which cannot be substituted by anything else as the German philosopher Jürgen Habermas amongst others has pointed out. Religion expresses itself through specific forms of speech. Religious objects and articles of daily use are often exhibited in museums, but the language and communication related to them are not the focus of didactic mediation. This masterclass will focus on this conflict and will invite participants to ask themselves about the possibilities and barriers of the religious language(s) of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam and how they can be opened up to a culturally interested public in the context of a museum.
This masterclass is organised by the Institute of Catholic Theology and its Education of Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg in collaboration with Evangelisches Diakonissenhaus Berlin Teltow Lehnin, Luther Memorials Foundation in Saxony-Anhalt, the Institute for Catholic Theology of RWTH Aachen University and Future for Religious Heritage.
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