The University of Bologna is organising a conference from to 5 to 7 October 2016 aimed at addressing the topics of abandoned or underused churches and the changing relationships between church and landscape. The conference is open to research students, professors and other interested parties.

Palazzo Magnani
The Department of Architecture, The Archdiocese of Bologna,the Theological Faculty of Emilia-Romagna and the Centro Studi Cherubino Ghirardacci, with the patronage of Ufficio Beni Culturali Ecclesiastici della Conferenza Episcopale Italiana (The bureau of cultural heritage of theItalian Episcopal Congress), IBC – Istituto per i Beni Artistici Culturali e Naturali dell’Emilia-Romagna (Institute for artisitic, cultural and natural heritage of Emilia-Romagna), Dies Domini – Center for studies on Sacred Architecture and Cities of the Cardinal Giacomo Lercaro Foundation, and the Association of Architects of Bologna Province, in contribution with Unicredit Banca, intend to promote this international conference in October 2016, regarding the valorization of the landscape starting from existing network of religious buildings, which will be hosted at the Unicredit branch of Palazzo Magnani in Bologna.
The issue of abandoned or underused churches involves the landscape as a plural phenomenon and infrastructure. This symposium aims for the occasion to compare proposals and planning and managerial visions on a territorial level, with particular reference to:
- Studies and general research on church management and eventual reuse of those in excess, with particular attention to synergies and systemic organizations;
- Significant cases of strategies / projects where the recovery and reuse of religious buildings have demonstrated to adhere to a landscape profile and design on the territory
Monday, July 4th: last day to submit abstract
Tuesday, July 5th – Sunday, July 17th: blind-review process
No later than Monday, July 25th: confirmation of acceptance
Abstracts are expected no later than july 4th at
For further information:
Call for papers (pdf)
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