Satellite event of the Creative Skills Week 2024
At the end of 2023, Future for Religious Heritage and Mad’in Europe launched a Europe-wide survey to to shed light on the situation of built heritage crafts skills in Europe in terms of education, certification, practice and transmission to new generations.
The survey was aimed at three groups of respondents: 1) crafts people specialised in cultural heritage conservation 2) architects, curators, conservation surveyors, conservation engineers and owners of heritage buildings 3) schools and craft training establishments.
The safeguarding of heritage craft skills is an important part of the European sustainability agenda, enabling historic buildings and artefacts to be preserved for the future. However, preliminary results revealed an ageing crafts sector without a structured plan to ensure the transmission of traditional crafts or the handing over of workshops and small enterprises to younger generations. It also shows the variety of certification schemes in European countries, the lack or insufficiency of support to help craftspeople improve their marketing capacities and reach international markets, or the difficulties faced by young people to enter the craft labour market.
The key findings of the final report will be presented at this event.
Join us and take part in the debate on the future of built heritage craftsmanship in Europe!
Date & registration
The event will take place online on Friday, 20 September from 13:00 to 14:30 CET.
Registration must be done through the website of the Creative Skills Week 2024: https://shop.eventix.io/157d0ce7-785a-45dd-bfb6-c9a8d90f5aee/tickets?shop_code=m23jcug9&original_referer=https%3A%2F%2Fcreativeskillsweek.eu%2F
13:00 | Introduction by FRH and Mad’in Europe (with Jelena Krivokapic and Madina Benvenuti from Mad’in Europe and Jennie Hawks from FRH)
13:15 | Key findings of the report
13: 30 | Presentations by guest speakers on the situation of heritage crafts skills:
- Dominique Taylor, UK craftsman and collaborator of Boulouki
- Panos Kostoulas, founding member of Boulouki
- Rodolphe de Looz-Corswarem, European Historic Houses
- Georgia Cristea, architect and INTBAU network member
14:10 | Q&A with the audience and closing remarks
Georgia Cristea is a graduate of the Institute of Architecture and Urbanism Ion Mincu, Bucharest, where she received a MArch (Hons) in Architecture, followed by a MSc in Sustainable Heritage at The Bartlett / UCL, London. She is an accredited Conservation RIBA Chartered Architect (CA), a Guardian of the Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings and stands as an advisor in the INTBAU Communication Committee and as the Education and Projects Manager of INTBAU Romania. Georgia runs her own practice, specialising in conservation architecture and interior design in Listed or in Conservation Area Buildings. She also acts as the Events Coordinator of the TAG, Traditional Architecture Group, host to INTBAU UK, where she organises the TAG Talks, monthly online lectures promoting outstanding Traditional Architecture and New Urban Design projects, hands-on workshops and other educational activities for the members
Panos Kostoulas is an architect. He has graduated from University of Patras and completed his post-graduate studies in Materials Science and Technology at the NTUA, focusing on historic mortars. Since 2012, he has worked as an architect, both as an employee and associate with architectural firms in India and Greece. He is a founding member of Boulouki, where he contributes in research, design of educational programmes and project management.
Rodolphe de Looz-Corswarem was born in 1944 in a family historic house in Belgium.He studied economics at Cambridge and has an MBA in HEC Paris. He had a business career as CEO mainly for the Nestlé and Kiss multinational world leaders companies in subsidiaries in 3 continents and 7 countries. He was also for 15 years the CEO of the Brewers of Europe Association and the Executive president for 8 years of the European Historic Houses ass; he is actually member of the Board and the executive committee of that organisation. He is at present time the president or Board member of different European business, cultural or charity organisations. He is often commuting from Brussels in a rural area where he has some great difficulties to find crafted talented artisans.
Dominic Taylor is an experienced craftsman from the UK, who is currently based in Greece. He has extensive experience on various crafts training programs around Europe and beyond. He has been working with Boulouki as an external expert for the last 2 years.
About the organisers
Mad’in Europe gives support to European professionals in crafts and heritage conservation and valorises the transmission of skills to next generations through formal and non formal education. Its activities are empowered by the collaboration with other European stakeholders. https://www.madineurope.eu/en/
Future for Religious Heritage (FRH) is a European network representing more than 80 organisations and over 120 professionals working for the safeguarding and promotion of historic places of worship. Raising awareness about heritage crafts and supporting their preservation is essential to us as the future of religious heritage is closely linked to them. https://www.frh-europe.org/
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