Founded as a Social Promotion Association on May 30, 2008 and based in the Augustinian community of San Giacomo Maggiore in Bologna, the Cherubino Ghirardacci Study Center is a meeting point for people and knowledge. It aims to promote the study of the city, the landscape and its representation.
The foundation promotes a free and positive cultural exchange, with the goal of sharing and comparing different fields of knowledge, in order to reach an effective understanding of social, cultural and scientific phenomena.
Promoting various cultural activities, especially on the representation of the city and of our contemporary society. This goal is achieved by means of meetings, workshops, conferences, seminars, cultural trips, exhibitions and, in general, all those events that allow the exchange of knowledge and can be an opportunity to reflect and debate on social, cultural and scientific issues.
The foundation helps produce and takes part in scientific publications, by collaborating with national and international research and study institutions.
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