Training Materials

Training Materials


Training Module 1: Introduction

Making a monastic product portfolio the soul of a monastery

In this module you will learn about the SKIVRE training scheme and why it is important for monasteries, which produce their own monastic products or would like to start a production process or want to boost their sales processes. It gives an overview of the main reasons for structuring the training scheme and the identified needs of monasteries Europe-wide. The training scheme is based on experiences of 20 monasteries in Europe, Catholic, Orthodox and Protestant, with different monastic activities.

This SKIVRE module is structured using the following main areas for learning content:

  • Introduction to SKIVRE project.
  • Monasticism and monastic products as a centuries old tradition.
  • Nowadays needs of the monasteries. Either the needs of monasteries nowadays or Modern needs of the monasteries.
  • Overview of the modules and terminology.

You may download the SKIVRE Training Module 1 here.

Training Module 2: Marketing strategies

Marketing Mix. Marketing Instruments. Marketing Communication. SWOT Analysis

In this module you will learn about marketing and why it is important for monasteries that produce their own products and feel the necessity to become more informed and knowledgeable about the various instruments and methods used in marketing activities. You will learn about marketing instruments in the so-called “Marketing Mix”, about marketing strategies and about strategy development for your products. The “Marketing Mix” will describe the various types of decisions to be made about product strategies, product pricing and product distribution. Finally, you will also learn and understand the role of communications in the marketing process.

In a society where trends and developments influence each other rapidly, it becomes increasingly important to develop your own strategies and positioning in order to be prepared for the future.

You may download the SKIVRE Training Module 2  here.

Training Module 3: The monastic product

Making a monastic product portfolio the soul of a monastery

In this module, you will learn what makes a monastic product and how it can be developed. You will learn about the history of monastery shops and their role until today. You will get to know the target groups for monastic products and what is necessary to create a successful product portfolio for them. You will also learn about the importance of the unique selling proposition of your monastic products and how to identify them. Exercises and good practices will deepen your understanding.

For better understanding, please read Module 3 before you start with Module 4. These two modules build-up on each other and should be worked through in this order.

You may download the SKIVRE Training Module 3 here.

Training Module 4: How to sell monastic products authentically

How to Sell Monastic Products Authentically 

In this module, you will learn the different motives and expectations of customers and sales staff that go along with buying and selling monastic products.

The meaning of the term “authenticity” will be explained, as well as its importance for the sale of monastic products. The significance of authenticity and the related historical importance behind the monastic product will be described in the following. The module will present the necessity of a monastery shop when it comes to creating an authentic sales atmosphere for monastic products and enabling the customers to have an emotional shopping experience.

In the final part of the module, we will reflect the fact that the authentic selling of monastic products is directly related to the sales staff and is of essential importance.

For better understanding, please read Module 3 before you start with Module 4. These two modules build-up on each other and should be worked through in this order.

You may download the SKIVRE Training Module 4 here.

Training Module 5: Distribution channels

In this module you will learn about the different strategies of how to sell your products and how to build your distribution channels as a part of your marketing activity. Every monastery that has production activity or sells monastic products is practicing one or more distribution activities without even realizing it. With the knowledge gained in this module, you will be able to identify the best distribution activity for your monastery, or to improve the existing one.

This module is structured in the following main areas for learning content:

  • The meaning of the distribution activity for the entire sales process;
  • Types of distribution channels and how to define the best one for your monastery;
  • Decisions about distribution strategies.

Most of the above will include exercises and good practice examples in order to expand your knowledge.

You may download the SKIVRE Training Module 5 here.

Training Module 6: Social media and communications

How social media marketing can contribute to monastic products’ sales

Social media has become an integral part of many people’s everyday lives – in their professional lives as well as their leisure time. Of course, this will also have serious effects on the development and marketing of monastic products. The informational behaviour of many people is concentrated on the Internet and on social media, especially when it comes to in-formation about products and services. With the support of social media, how can you reach people who are interested in monastic products, and who are willing to buy them? This training module is also dealing with background and production conditions of social media.

You may download the SKIVRE Training Module 6 here.

Training Module 7: Value adding through networks 

Inclusion of local, regional and trans regional partners. Collaboration and negotiation.

In this module you will learn what types of networks exist, necessary competences and useful methods for setting up/enhancing a network.

The training module for SKIVRE networking is about setting up different networks of local, regional and trans-national partners adding value to monasteries and their products. Networking is a very important activity, which should not be underestimated, for partners to learn from each other, to share experiences and expand economic activities.

You may download the SKIVRE Training Module 7 here.

Training Module 8: Creating a strong brand

How to finance my production and sales processes

In this module, you will learn what branding really is, how brands are built and why they empower the offer of monastic products. You will be introduced to the important steps needed to build a successful brand for your monastic products and possible strategies that you can apply in your value-driven activities.

Monasteries are active in the production of goods and they experience growing interest in their products. Despite their production activity, many monasteries are not usually interested in “big business”, but in small quantity production which also conveys Christian values. Monastic products are highly valued by their customers because of their authenticity but many monasteries lack enough knowledge as to how to bring their products to the market and make them popular among more people. Knowledge of marketing, branding, networking and promotion can make their sales better which will bring them more funding for the monastery.

This module presents some successful monastic brands as good examples that are well known all over the world for their quality and uniqueness.

You may download the SKIVRE Training Module 8 here.

Training Module 9: Financing strategies

How to finance my production and sales processes

One of the most important questions in monasteries and craftsmanship regarding the development, production and sales of high-quality products is its financing. The product concept has to be defined, resources have to be structured, and the first steps towards production and sales operations have to be taken. Funding these activities is one of the most important considerations to be taken, but not many decision makers at European monasteries are trained in the art of raising funds. Often financial planning is done in the hope that at some time during the year, the money that is needed will come from somewhere. Financial stress is a great discouragement and many good ideas collapse because of a lack of financial resources.

There exist several different financing sources and financing models for different steps in the product development and sales initiation phases; but there is also the reality that there are thousands of organizations applying for money from the same sources. This SKIVRE module will introduce the different forms and unique features of the financing possibilities available.

You may download the SKIVRE Training Module 9 here.

Training Module 10: aspects of sustainability

Organisation, financing and value-adding elements

You have already learned a lot about the development and marketing of attractive monastic products in the previous modules. The focus there was on product development, market positioning, branding, communication and financing.

In this final Module 10, you will learn sustainable ways for producing and selling monastic products considering all the knowledge gained in the previous modules. What forms of organisations are best suited for co-operation? Moreover, how can they be financially secure?

This module is structured along the following main lines for learning content:

  • Meaning and importance of sustainability and continuity;
  • Road map towards sustainability and continuity;
  • Organisational aspects of sustainability;
  • Aspects of personnel and financial sustainability.

Most of the above will include exercises and good practice examples in order to deepen your knowledge.

You may download the SKIVRE Training Module 10 here