The Kindler Chapel, also known as the Kindler Mausoleum, is a unique religious heritage site owned by the Lutheran community of Pabianice in Central Poland. The site is of great historical significance and is listed in the register of monuments of Poland’s Ministry of Culture and National Heritage. The history of the chapel dates back to the beginning of the 20th century. It was funded by Zofia Kindler in honour of her late husband Ludwik. The Art Nouveau architecture was based on the Steinhof church in Vienna.
The Kindler Chapel has become a permanent fixture in the history of Pabianice, as it has hosted funerals of many important figures of the community. Today, the Kindler Mausoleum still functions as a multi-denominational funerary chapel.
This chapel is facing threats including deterioration and a decline in its use. Due to this, a great effort has been launched by the local community to renovate it. An agreement was signed under the Regional Operational Program of the Lodzkie Region for 2014-2020, for the implementation of the initiative entitled “Raising the standards of the historic building and improving access to services along with the modernization and renovation of the building of the Kindler’s Chapel at the Evangelical Cemetery in Pabianice as part of the cultural trail.” For this reason, a subsidy in the amount of PLN 2,206,551 (486,059 EUR) was received. This project involves the renovation of the roof, drying, external insulation, securing the basement and adapting the facility to the needs of the disabled.
However, in order to fully implement the community’s revitalisation plans, this would include renovating the interior, including the floors, walls, altar, antique stained glass windows and electrical system. The cost of this is estimated at an additional PLN 2 000 000 (440 500 EUR). Currently, the community is PLN 400 000 (88 000 EUR) away from reaching their goal.
The community is asking for support with this initiative. Their aim with this project is for the chapel to not only be a testimony to the beautiful heritage of the region, but also as a community centre for gatherings of a religious, cultural and pedagogical nature. Each contribution would be commemorated with a dedicated board that would be placed in the chapel.
If you would like to make a donation, please see the bank account details below.
IBAN: PL56105014611000002275985675
For more information please contact Adrian Rachwał at adrian.ra995@gmail.com.
Photos taken from the Lutheran Parish of Pabianice’s Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/LuteraniePabianice/
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