Tuesday, 7 September 2021
FRH is proud to announce its collaboration with Europa Nostra in the “Ringing the Bells for Peace and Heritage” initiative, launched on 7 September.
FRH is calling on heritage organisations all over Europe to help spread the word to all religious heritage sites to join this initiative and ring their bells on 21 September from 12:00 to 12:15 CET.
This symbolic initiative will mark the UN International Day of Peace and the launch of the European Cultural Heritage Summit 2021 in Venice, organised by Europa Nostra, as well as raise the alarm for endangered cultural heritage.
The “Ringing the Bells for Peace and Heritage” initiative aims to highlight the important relationship between peacekeeping and the safeguarding of cultural heritage. The important role that cultural heritage plays in the process of peace-making was recently recognised and highlighted by the European Council. FRH would also like to emphasise the unique role that religious heritage has in fostering an environment of intercultural dialogue and understanding. It is for these reasons that we are mobilising support to ensure that this heritage can be passed on to future generations.
The International Day of Peace was established 40 years ago by the General Assembly of the United Nations to encourage non-violence and ceasefire across the world. The 2021 theme of the International Day of Peace is “Recovering better for an equitable and sustainable world”. Additionally, this year marks the 20th anniversary of the establishment of 21 September as being the official date for this celebration. Therefore, this year is important for sending a message of solidarity in celebrating peace and the role that heritage plays in enforcing it.
The vulnerability of cultural heritage has become apparent in recent years due to increased effects from climate change, which has intensified the urgency to ensure that our shared heritage can be protected from these devastating effects. Religious heritage sites make up a large number of this endangered heritage, often being in situations where they are difficult to maintain and face further threats such as becoming targets during conflicts. This is why we will also ring the bells as a wake-up call for the urgency of finding a sustainable future for our endangered heritage.
Let’s Ring the Bells for Peace and Heritage on 21 September!
For more information click here
Note for editors:
FRH (Future for Religious Heritage) is a non-faith, non-religious organisation, working to safeguard and hand over Europe’s religious heritage for the next generations to enjoy. FRH bring together people and organisations who want to save and protect Europe’s religious heritage. A European Network with diverse members in the heritage, charity and not for profit sectors, universities, religious organisations and local and national governments. FRH provides a Europe wide platform for cooperation and exchange of ideas and knowledge. FRH is one of the 28 EU Cultural Networks co-funded by the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union. FRH is also a proud member of the European Heritage Alliance. FRH celebrates its 10th year anniversary in 2021.
More information can be found on our website: www.frh-europe.org
Press contacts:
FRH, Jordi Mallarach, email: info@frh-europe.org / mobile: +32 24 00 77 03 Rue de Trèves 67, Brussels, Belgium
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