The Istituto Superiore di Scienze Religiose organized an international conference on “Santa Maria di Monte Berico” on 22-23 June. Read the articles on the Italian newspapers Avvenire and Il Giornale di Vicenza.
The event was focused on religious heritage, but also on soustainable tourism and training. Key topics: “Education and training”, “ICT for religious heritage”, “Heritage and sustainable tourism” and “Heritage for intercultural dialogue”. The meeting was an opportunity to share perspectives and best practices.
The Istituto Superiore di Scienze Religiose “Santa Maria di Monte Berico” invited speakers from Albania, Bielorussia, Colombia, Italy, France, Macedonia, Hungary, the Netherlands and UK.
Amongst the participants: Olivier de Rohan, FRH President; Michael Hoare, FRH Treasurer and Lilian Grootwagers, FRH Council Secretary.
Read the articles:
Intesa internazionale per il patrimonio religioso (PDF Avvenire 25 June 2015)
Turismo religioso, Vicenza delinea le nuove frontiere (PDF Giornale di Vicenza 21 June 2015)
Turismo religioso, a Monte Berico una rete europea (PDF Giornale di Vicenza 23 June 2015)
The Conference Program (PDF)
Learn more about the Istituto Superiore di Scienze Religiose “Santa Maria di Monte Berico”
Watch the video recorded by the students of the high school Fogazzaro in Vicenza
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