FRH is proud to announce that it has been officially accepted as a partner for the New European Bauhaus initiative.
Launched by the President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen in September 2020, the goal of the New European Bauhaus to bring the European Green Deal closer to citizens and their living spaces by bridging the world of science and technology with the world of art and culture. This creative and interdisciplinary movement seeks to gather designers, architects, engineers, scientists, students and creative minds across disciplines to imagine our collective future around the core values of sustainability, aesthetics and inclusiveness.
The New European Bauhaus is being developed following a bottom-up approach and is currently in its “co-design” phase, which was launched on 18 January 2021 by the two responsible EU Commissioners: Mariya Gabriel, EU Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth, and Elisa Ferreira, EU Commissioner for Cohesion and Reforms.
As one element of the co-design phase, organisations across Europe, whose core activities are relevant to one or more dimensions of the New European Bauhaus, have been invited to become Partners of the New European Bauhaus to “act as promoters, community managers, sounding boards and key interlocutors throughout the development of the initiative”.
The outcome of the co-design phase will include a call for proposals for five pilots projects in the different EU Member States, which was launched during the first conference on the EU level on 22-23 April, as well as Special Prizes awarded in Summer 2021 to existing contemporary examples illustrating the integration of the key values of the initiative.
The prizes promote recovery and acceleration of the green transition, recognition and celebration of existing achievements and support for younger generations to further develop emerging concepts and ideas to pave the way to a more sustainable and beautiful future for Europe.
As an official partner, FRH is committed to ensuring that religious heritage is included as an integral part of the New European Bauhaus and will advocate the need for a heritage-led transformation of our society, economy and environment. FRH is aware of the great challenge and responsibility this partnership entails and will strive to align all its activities to the values and aims of this initiative.
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