Canada: Conference “What does heritage change?”, 3-8 June 2016

Canada: Conference “What does heritage change?”, 3-8 June 2016

FRH will participate in the Association of Critical Heritage’s third Biennial Conference under the theme: What does heritage change?”.

The event, that will take place In Montréal from 3 to 8 June 2016, is hosted by the Canada Research Chair in Urban Heritage of UQAM’s School of Management, in collaboration with Concordia University and the Center for Oral History and Digital Storytelling.


Under this question, “What does heritage change?”, the ACHS2016 Conference considers the manifestations, discourses, epistemologies, policies, and stakes of heritage—as a phenomenon, a symptom, an effect or a catalyst; as a tool of empowerment or leverage; as a physical or intangible restraint or kick-off; in communities, societies, or any material or mental environment. Subthemes range from gender-related issues to identity-making, mythologies of cultural diversity and the rethinking of heritage policies beyond the authorized heritage discourse.

FRH Member Professor Luc Noppen (Université du Québec) is amongst the Conference organizers.

In the framework of the Conference, FRH will support two important events:

Beyond Re-uses: The Future of Church Monuments in a Secular Society – 6 June (pdf)

Heritage and the New Fate of Sacred Places – 7 June (pdf)

Please find below more information about our members’ speeches:

Peter Breukink

Professor Thomas Coomans

Lilian Grootswagers

Henrik Lindblad

Professor Luc Noppen

Professor Ola Wettemberg

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