Asociación Amigos del Románico

Asociación Amigos del Románico


 Amigos del Románico ( AdR ) was founded in 2004 thanks to the contribution of five people who had been individually sharing their knowledge of Romanesque heritage through publications and web pages of their own creation. The idea then formed to found an association, which today has established itself as a reference in the protection, knowledge, and dissemination of Romanesque heritage. Their main goal is to safeguard and protect the Romanesque art across Spain.  Their main work focuses on the restoration and preservation of Romanesque buildings throughout Spain.  In addition to this, they are very active in several conferences and forums where they can share their expertise.



The Romanesque Weekends (FSR) and the Local Romanesque Days (JdRL) are organized to spread awareness of the Romanesque style by fostering ties of friendship between the associates. They include guided visits by leading specialists, abundant documentation, access to places usually restricted to the public and, above all, the company of many like-minded people.


The ROMANIC magazine is the only art publication published in Europe about this style. On a biannual basis, it has original works on Spanish Romanesque architecture and European symbolism, interviews and news articles, presented with a modern design that places great importance on image quality.

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