SPAIN – A fence to protect Romanesque sites

SPAIN – A fence to protect Romanesque sites

The Amigos del Románico call for a fence to protect San Pedro de Plecín, and other heritage sites, from destruction. Spoils from the Romanesque heritage site – a capital, column shaft and two column bases – were recently found at an individual’s house, but the deterioration of the site continues.

The Amigos del Románico call on politicians to take greater care of their region’s cultural heritage. Leaving these monuments unprotected is short-sighted, since cultural tourism is on the rise and can represent a source of income for the local community. The plea is becoming a yearly ritual, performed for San Antolín de Bedón monastery in 2012 and for Santa María de Tina in Ribadedeva in 2013.

Read the whole article in Spanish here.

Members of the Amigos del Romántico

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